China's major foreign trade routes

November 08, 2024

(1) Near-sea route

1. Hong Kong and Macao Line - to Hong Kong and Macao.

2. New Horse Line - to Hong Kong, Port of Hong Kong (PORTKELANG), Penang (PENANG) and Malacca (MALACEA)

3. The Siam Gulf Line, also known as the Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand lines - is to Vietnam's Haiphong, Cambodia's Kampong and Thailand's Bangkok.

4. Colombo, Bay of Bengal - to Colombo in Sri Lanka and Yangon in Myanmar, Chittagong in Bangladesh and Kolkata in the east coast of India.

6. The Philippines line - to the port of Manila in the Philippines.

7. Indonesian line----to Jakarta, Semarang, etc. on Java Island.

8. Australia and New Zealand - to Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Australia and Auckland, Wellington, New Zealand.

9. Papua New Guinea Line - to Lae, Pasir New Guinea, Port Moresby, etc.

10. Japanese line---to the port of Kyushu, Japan, and the ports of Kobe, Honshu, Osaka, Nagoya, Yokohama, and Kawasaki.

11. South Korea Line----To ports such as Busan and Incheon.

12. The Persian Gulf Line, also known as the Arabian Gulf Line---to Karachi, Pakistan, Abbas, Horam Shahr, Iran; Basra, Iraq; Kuwait Harbour, Kuwait; Dammam, Saudi Arabia.

(2) Ocean route

1. Mediterranean Line---- Beirut, Tripoli to Lebanon in the Eastern Mediterranean; Haifa, Ashdod in Israel; Latakia in Syria; Port Said, Alexandria in Egypt in the southern Mediterranean; Tunisia in Tunisia; Algeria in Algeria , Oran, Genoa in northern Italy, Marseille in France, Barcelona in Spain and Limassol in Cyprus.

2. Northwest Europe---to Antwerp, Belgium; Rotterdam, the Netherlands; Hamburg, Bremen, Lefre, France; London, Liverpool, England; Copenhagen, Denmark; Oslo, Norway; Stockholm and Gothenburg, Sweden; Helsinki and so on.

3. US-Canada line---including Canada's West Coast port Vancouver; US West Coast ports Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles; Canada's east coast ports Montreal, Toronto; US East Coast ports New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Portland and Ports such as Mobile, New Orleans, and Houston in the Gulf of Mexico. The ports in the US Gulf of Mexico are also on the US East Coast route.

4. West Coast of South America----Cayao to Peru; Arica in Chile; Iquique, Valparaiso, Antofagasta and other ports.

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