How to buy Xingyue Bodhi?
Xingyue Bodhi is very popular with people. Many people want to have a bunch of good Xingyue Bodhi. When it comes to the selection of Xingyue Bodhi, most of them are selected by some knowledge they have mastered. It is a test for novices and a practice. . However, it is very difficult to select a good quality Xingyue Bodhi, because the production of a series of Xingyue Bodhi has many processes, such as the selection of the previous stage, polishing, chamfering flares, polishing and so on. Here is a detailed introduction to the method of selecting Xingyue Bodhi. 1. Density: The density of Xingyue Bodhi is very important. The density directly affects its resistance, and the durability determines the final opening state, which is the quality of Xingyue Bodhi. The Xingyue Bodhi in the market is generally a new seed, with a large water content and a poor quality. The water loss of Chenzi is large, the density is naturally enough, the degree of resistance to the plate is reduced, and the effect of opening the film is also good. When buying in a physical store, first use the hand to rub, the same size of the beads to see which weight; if the sense of weight is not strong, you can see the star surface of the beads is not dense, empty, the stars inside is the solid density Large, hollow, the density is small, it is best that the stars are full and clear. 2, the month is positive: the moon eye position of Xingyue Bodhi is divided into the first month and the first month, the first month is in the middle, the first quarter is partial. The price of Xingyue Bodhi in the first month is very high. Most of the moons and Bodhi in the month are water mills. Unless it is a selection, the price of a good string of good moons will be very expensive. 3. Color: The density of the beads is natural milky white or light beige natural luster; the immature seed density is not good, so it is cyan and has no natural luster. 4, grinding method: There are two ways to grind the Xingyue Bodhi: First, water mill, two, dry grinding. Water mill is to add water to the mill to reduce the temperature of the seed, making it less susceptible to damage. The cost of water mill is low, and the water mill is to obtain round beads. Nowadays people all reject water mills because merchants add bleach to the water during the water mill in order to achieve the uniformity of the whiteness and color of the seeds. This changes the structure of the seed itself. Thereby the density of the seed is greatly reduced. It is not easy to light when playing, it is very easy to open. The shape of the opening piece is split in a large area, and there is a feeling that it is broken. Polyester Needle-punched Fabric Polyester Needle-Punched Fabric,Filter Cotton For Cup Mask,Eco-Friendly Filter Cotton,Polyester Cotton Wuxi WenqiIndustry and Trade CO.,LTD. ,