U.S. cotton yield is expected to increase substantially by 20% in new cotton boll opening rate

January 08, 2019

On August 23, the US Department of Agriculture’s cotton production report showed that as of August 22, 2010, the US cotton concentrator rate was 94%, an increase of 4% from a week ago and a 5% increase from the same period of last year, compared with the average of the past five years. The value increases by 4%. The US cotton boll opening rate is 21%, which is 9% higher than the same period of last year and 5% higher than the average of the past five years. The U.S. cotton growth rate was 62% above the good level, unchanged from the previous week.

Although the US cotton yield is expected to increase significantly this year, but from the recent situation, the seedlings in the cotton producing areas in the eastern United States have begun to weaken, and the western region has a more ideal situation.

The state of Arizona in the western United States has continued to improve in recent weeks. As of the end of last week, 99% of the new cotton crops were growing at a good level, the best level for the same period in 20 years, and the yield is expected to reach a record high. In contrast, the proportion of good seedlings in Georgia in the eastern part of the United States dropped from 66% in the initial period of planting to 39%, which was the worst in 20 years, mainly due to the recent scarce rainfall, and the July rainfall was the lowest in history. It continues to be high.

At present, the rate of new cotton bolling in the United States has exceeded 20%, and defoliation work has begun. Before the completion of the harvest of new cotton, the condition of the eastern Miao better than the west will be maintained, and the increase in the yield will depend more on the western region.

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