Ancient people on jade, talk about Yude
The ancients like jade, giving it the spirituality of the people, so that the jade and the quality of the people are closely linked together, and there is a character, that is, jade, but what is Yude? Let us find out. As early as the Spring and Autumn Period, people's understanding of jade went from sensibility to rationality, and some thinkers injected rich cultural connotations into jade. Because the view of "the gentleman is better than the jade" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the gentleman Peiyu becomes a fashion. "The gentleman has no reason, the jade does not go to the body." The so-called gentleman refers to the "adult" who has morality, responsibility, and social responsibility. The reason why the ancient gentleman must wear jade is because jade is not only the essence of nature, but also has the moral character of the gentleman, so the old saying goes: "The gentleman is better than the jade." So, what qualities does jade have? The pipe is about the nobles of Yujiu Defu Yu, and Jiu De is out. Fu Yu Wen Run Yi Ze, Ren Ye; neighboring people, knowing too; firm but not jealous, righteous; cheap but not sturdy, OK; fresh but not dirty, clean also; , fine also; Maohua luster, and pass the Tongling, Rong also; å©ä¹‹, its sound clear and far, pure and not confusing, resignation also. It is the noble person, the treasure is hidden, and it is considered to be Furui, and Jiude is out. - "Pipe · Waterland" Confucius on the jade eleventh tribute to Confucius said: "Don't ask the gentleman, what is the jade and the jealousy? What is the jade and the jealousy?" Confucius said: "There is not a lot of jealousy." The place where the jade is the most expensive place. The husband of the past, the gentleman is better than the jade. The gentleness and the zeal, the benevolence; the secret is the millet, the knowledge is also; the innocence is not ambiguous, the righteousness; the hang of the fall, the ritual; The sound is clearer and longer, and its end is stunned, music is also; ç‘• ç‘• , , , , , , , , , , ç‘œ ç‘œ ç‘œ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; , Germany also; the world is not expensive, the road is also. "Poetry" æ›°: 'Like the gentleman, Wen Qiruyu', so the gentleman is also expensive." Xu Shen on the Yuwu Deyu, the beauty of the stone, there are five virtues: the moist and warm, the benevolent side also; the ruling from the outside, you can know the middle, the righteous side also; its sound is Shu Yang, specializes in far-sighted, intellectual side Also; do not scratch and fold, the courage of the party also; sharp and not awkward, clean side also.
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- "Book of Rites, Employing Righteousness"
- "Saying the word solution" love jade, is the traditional tradition of the Chinese nation. Since ancient times, Yu Shen has been loved by rulers of all ages and people of all walks of life. This obsessive and even obsessive love has not changed since the eight thousand years of wind and rain. However, after the changes in history and the times, the focus of the Chinese people's love jade has undergone great changes. The modern people's eyes are focused on the economic value and aesthetic value of jade, and jade has become a new favorite of contemporary investment.