Imports hit and damaged Turkey raises tariffs on woven fabrics
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According to news from the Chinese Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Textiles, the fabric products announced this time involve 13 tax numbers, namely: 5111, 5112, 5208, 5209, 5210, 5211, 5407, 5408, 5512, 5513, 5514, 5515, and 5516. , Products include cotton, wool and chemical fiber woven fabrics.
Turkmenistan divides the scope of three types of tariffs according to the type of imported fabrics: For developing countries (also called DC countries), import tariffs are increased by 28% on the original basis, but the maximum level of taxation is not more than US$ 4/kg. It is 1 USD/kg. For the least developed countries, benefited from special agreements (LDC countries) increased by 21%, the maximum not more than 3.75 US dollars / kg, the lowest 0.75 US dollars / kg. For other types of countries (OC countries) increased by 30%, the maximum not more than 4.25 US dollars / kg, the lowest 1.25 US dollars / kg.
The author learned from the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Textiles that the increase in import tariffs in Turkey in addition to affecting China’s exports of fabrics, the product categories that increase import tariffs also involve apparel products, including knitted garments and woven garments, which cover almost all of China’s All types of apparel products exported to the soil, but the accessories are not included. According to the person in charge of the clothing department of the China Textile Import & Export Chamber of Commerce, the increase in import tariffs on imported textile fabrics and garments will have a greater impact on China’s textile and garment export companies in Turkey and will easily trigger import restrictions by other countries. The cascading effect.
Our country is Turkey's largest supplier of fabrics. According to customs statistics, in 2007, China’s exports to Turkey involving the above 13 tariff lines amounted to US$350 million. In 2008, due to the financial crisis, exports declined. In 2009, it fell to US$300 million. In 2010, China’s exports to Turkey resumed rapid growth. From January to November, the export volume reached 490 million U.S. dollars, an increase of 86.39% year-on-year, accounting for 2.7% of my global exports of similar products, and Turkey ranked 11th in China’s textile export market.
Due to the large range of products announced by the earth and the large amount of money involved, the number of countries involved has attracted the attention of relevant countries. As of the time of writing, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Textiles is cooperating with the government to actively negotiate with the Turkish side and closely follow the development of the incident. The affected export apparel product number is being verified and confirmed.