It is best not to use a nylon bath towel for bathing.
In the past, people used to take a bath and always liked to use a nylon bath towel that can put gloves in. Most people think that it is convenient and clean to wash the bath, but it also saves a lot of effort, but the fact is that the bath should use a soft towel. It is best not to use nylon bath towels. The reason why the nylon bath towel is not used is because the nylon bath towel is not used properly, for example, the force is too strong, and the keratinocytes that have not been fully keratinized are often exfoliated prematurely, and even the stratum corneum is completely peeled off, revealing a bright red particle layer or spine. Layer skin, the skin's barrier protection is greatly weakened, the body is easily exposed to the damage in the external environment, and it is easy to accelerate the aging of the skin in the long run, so it is not recommended to bathe with a bath towel. Nowadays, more and more people have given up their original ordinary towels and used a bath towel. However, scientific investigations have shown that, in addition to convenience, nylon bath towels have little to no benefit to skin health. First, the hard and rough surface of the bath towel directly damages the skin, causing the keratinized layer of the epidermis to be excessively rubbed and peeled off, and the protective effect is weakened. Secondly, using a bath towel, if you do not pay attention to the hygiene of the bath towel, you can also spread some skin infections. In particular, sharing a bath towel with others, the chance of infection is more, often using a bath towel, and it is easy to get skin diseases such as lice and impetigo. Therefore, many doctors have called for people to use or not use nylon bath towels with caution, even if they use them, they can't rub them hard, and they can't share a bath towel with the whole family. Choose a fine bath towel with a good texture. Pay attention to the hygiene of the bath towel. Do not use too much force when using it. It can easily remove the dirt and keratin of the body without harming the skin and make the body feel refreshed. It is important to note that patients with dry skin or skin diseases such as winter itch, ichthyosis, psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, etc. should not use nylon bath towels. First, if you use a nylon bath towel to clean too much, it will remove a lot of protective keratinocytes on the surface of the skin, and wash away the chemical protective film formed by sweat and sebum, which will lead to aggravation of the disease. (Editor: Xu Xiaoyu) Environment protection becomes very important nowadays. For the fabric, it is more popular. EcoVero fabric is a kind of rayon yarn. but it is an environment protection yarn because it will cost less chemical material and less pollution to make the yarn. The hand feeling and function are the same as normal rayon. The fabric is used to make all kinds of garments. It is soft and comfortable. We can do the bulk solid and print. You can specify the color and design, then we do bulk after you confirm the lab dip or strike off. Ecovero Shaoxing Concord Textile Co., Ltd. ,