Study believes that wearing high heels is not easy to get arthritis
Women's and men's knees are not biologically different, so the descriptor wanted to find out why twice as many women as men develop osteoarthritis in the joint. Malachite Bear shape,Carving gemstone,Green Malachite Guangzhou Qinfa Crafts Company ,
Women's and men's knees are not physiologically different, so researchers want to know why the number of women with arthritis is twice that of men.
Some researchers have speculated that high-heeled shoes may be to blame.
Some researchers speculate that high heels may be the culprit.
The women in the study were quizzed on details of their height and weight when they left school, between 36 and 40 and between 51 and 55.
The women who participated in the study were asked in detail about their height and weight between the ages of 30 and 40, between 51 and 55, when they graduated.
They were asked about injuries, their jobs, smoking and use of contraceptive hormones.
The researchers also asked about their injuries, work, smoking, and the use of contraceptive hormones.
However, while many of these factors were linked to an increased risk over the years, tottering around in high heels for years was not.
However, for many years, many factors have increased the risk of arthritis, but walking in high heels all year round is not one of the reasons.
The author wrote: "Most of the women had been exposed to high heeled shoes over the years --nevertheless, a consistently finding was a reduced risk of osteoarthritis of the knee."
The researchers wrote: "Most women have been wearing high heels for many years, but reliable findings show that they are at a lower risk of knee arthritis."
There was an even more explicitlyd link between regular dancing in three-inch heels and a reduced risk of knee problems.
Researchers have even found that wearing high-heeled shoes that often wear three-inch highs is obviously associated with reducing the risk of knee disease.
The researchers described this finding as "surprising", but said that they would not expect a larger-scale study to overturn their findings.
Researchers call this discovery "surprising," but they say they don't expect large-scale research to overturn their findings.